Where do all of the donations from Helping Hands from Home and Project: RED BOX go?
There is not a difference! We are the Cupertino branch of Students Against Period Poverty, but we approach combatting period poverty in different ways; some include our programs, partnerships, and how we involve volunteers.
Where do all of the donations from Helping Hands from Home and Project: RED BOX go?
All donations are donated to either domestic violence shelters or homeless shelters. We coordinate with a variety of shelters for our donation drop-offs. If you have any suggestions on which shelter should receive our next collection of donations, please reach out to us!
Is SAPP Cupertino certified as a non-profit organization?
We are certified under Section 501(c)(3) and registered as a non-profit organization. This means we are able to distribute official volunteer hours and give the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for all of our volunteers.
Can I still participate in SAPP Cupertino's volunteer programs without purchasing any materials?
Of course! We will coordinate the drop-off of any necessary materials for any volunteer or interested program volunteer on a case by case basis. Just reach out to us through and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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